
I see stars that clear have been dead for years...

Science is a funny thing. We have harnessed the power of the atom, decoded DNA, we understand how the universe works....but we don't know why. Why is it that a jumble of atoms allows me to contemplate the fabric of the cosmos? Why is it that the same atoms that form stars make it possible for me to love? Do stars love? Do they ponder their existence? While I don't personally believe it, there is a certain logic in believing everything is a part of god (the word escapes me, if you know it please tell me. thanks). I mean, we're all made of that same stuff. Then from where does language come? Is it the carbon or the hydrochloric acid? If someone took all the same atoms I have inside me and poured them into a vat, will it speak Italian or Chinese? Or would it first wonder why it was poured into that vat and not another, or why not a test tube? Will it love the white coat clad lab tech as its father? ...I doubt it...