
We Are Nowhere And It's Now...

Lately things feel like they're falling apart. I understand that life goes through cycles, but things just feel worse. Maybe it's because the stakes are higher now. Maybe I have no idea what's going on. A large chunk of everything just seems pointless. Where's the deeper meaning in it all? Is this it; just this vague misrepresentation of how life was supposed to be? Talk about false advertising. I should sue. Wow. What a great representation of American culture. "I feel you have wronged me in some way...give me money". If only life was that easy.

Now for the fun part:

1. Grab the nearest book
2. Open the book to page 23
3. Find the fifth sentence
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions

"Postmodern architects reject as too austere the modernist requirement that buildings be designed to reflect an absolute unity" A Primer On Postmodernism by Stanley J. Grenz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was going to participate in your game, but the closest book to me is the same one thats closest to you. it would inevitable say the same thing. unless of course their is a publishing error...